It must have been January we found we were pregnant again. What a joy! I was happy, but nervous. I kept the pregnancy quiet, really quiet. And ill spare you the details, but we lost John Patrick in March. I walked away from my OB with a blue folder. The blue folder is the "loss and misscage" folder. Heart broken, devastated and almost hopeless, we burried another baby.

Hardley one month later, we were expecting. I decided that day. Life is a joy, no matter how long we have baby with us, I will celabrate EVERY SINGLE DAY of her life!
Last week we made it to our initial 12 week ob visit. We saw a healthy baby and were moved from a high risk pregnancy back to a normal pregnancy. PRAISE BE TO GOD!
Maybe you can't relate, but the initial ob visit isn't that great. There are lots of tests and you usually don't get to see baby. But... .. When you leave you get a bag. It's not all that great. Lot's of pregnancy information in it. What to eat, or not to. What med's to take, and not to... and so on. Also, the hospital information. But let me tell you. To walk away from the dr. with a baby bag, and NOT a blue folder felt like i just won the award of a life time! Baby 6 is on the way. I am calling him GIFT, because he is coming at Christmas!